I am Revolutn
This is my YouTube account.
Viacom International had my original account deleted via fraudulent Copy Right Infringement allegations during the Ron Paul r3VOLoution
I barely published after that & I've been a combination of inactive, or fighting on other digital battlefields for the past 12yrs
With the current Coup detat being carried out in slow motion, I'm re-engaging some here on YT to help fill in some of the gaps created by the Great Truth Community Content Creators Purge of 2020.
We'll see how long this survives...
Will attempt to mirror any new/current content on Bit Chute as a failsafe
"In the beginning of a change, the Patriot is a scarce man, brave, hated and scorned. When his cause succeeds, however, the timid join him, for then it costs nothing to be a Patriot." - Mark Twain
"Where liberty dwells, there is my country." ~Benjamin Franklin
I am Revolutn
This is my YouTube account.
Viacom International had my original account deleted via fraudulent Copy Right Infringement allegations during the Ron Paul r3VOLoution
I barely published after that & I've been a combination of inactive, or fighting on other digital battlefields for the past 12yrs
With the current Coup detat being carried out in slow motion, I'm re-engaging some here on YT to help fill in some of the gaps created by the Great Truth Community Content Creators Purge of 2020.
We'll see how long this survives...
Will attempt to mirror any new/current content on Bit Chute as a failsafe
"In the beginning of a change, the Patriot is a scarce man, brave, hated and scorned. When his cause succeeds, however, the timid join him, for then it costs nothing to be a Patriot." - Mark Twain
"Where liberty dwells, there is my country." ~Benjamin Franklin