Let's explore the world together
@LanguageLearning4 Beginners
Welcome! I'm learning languages around work & family by sharing my real & honest studying journey.
Want to help students in need?
I buy students basic necessities so they're ready to learn: pencils, glue sticks, water & healthy snacks as needed.
Check out Amazon list. Every little bit helps!
My Duolingo username is Italienfrancese.
Join our Duolingo Classroom "Language Club for Beginners:(access link: duolingo.com/classroom/vycsch (settings in Duolingo app, then type vscsch) Full for now!
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Do you like to work with your hands?
My husband does carpentry & RCs & more with our poodle Billy.
@The Fake Maker
Do you want to show him helping others is cool?
My kid rescues vacuums, fixes & gives them away to someone in need. He likes rides, animals & more.