Get Ed is a computer-animated television series about a genetically-engineered teenage delivery boy named Ed who fights industrial crime in the futuristic world of Progress City.
Ed is an "electro-genetically" enhanced teen who works for Dojo Deliveries, a courier service, in Progress City. Ed uses his cyber sleuthing skills to thwart various information-based crimes. He and his courier pals Burn, Deets, Fizz, Loogie (accompanied by his puppet, Dr. Pinch), and mentor Ol’ Skool, must come together to battle the ultimate evil, Mr. Simon Bedlam. On top of delivery packages and saving Progress City, Ed is also on a journey to discover who he is and what the true purpose is of not only himself but also of the many artifacts or "gifts" he finds along the way.
Disclaimer: I do not claim any ownership over the series. Get Ed is owned by its respective copyright holders. This is a Fan Channel dedicated at preserving the memory of Disney's First Computer Animated Television Series.
Get Ed is a computer-animated television series about a genetically-engineered teenage delivery boy named Ed who fights industrial crime in the futuristic world of Progress City.
Ed is an "electro-genetically" enhanced teen who works for Dojo Deliveries, a courier service, in Progress City. Ed uses his cyber sleuthing skills to thwart various information-based crimes. He and his courier pals Burn, Deets, Fizz, Loogie (accompanied by his puppet, Dr. Pinch), and mentor Ol’ Skool, must come together to battle the ultimate evil, Mr. Simon Bedlam. On top of delivery packages and saving Progress City, Ed is also on a journey to discover who he is and what the true purpose is of not only himself but also of the many artifacts or "gifts" he finds along the way.
Disclaimer: I do not claim any ownership over the series. Get Ed is owned by its respective copyright holders. This is a Fan Channel dedicated at preserving the memory of Disney's First Computer Animated Television Series.