Hola somos David y Valery. Deseamos a través de este canal dar a conocer a Jesus de una manera interesante, diferente y única por medio de lo que ha hecho en nuestras vidas. Estamos comprometidos con esta generación a representar en alto a un Dios real, intimo y a conectar lazos de amor entre el cielo y la tierra.
Hi, we are David and Valery. We wish through this channel to make Jesus known in an interesting, different and unique way through what He has done in our lives. We are committed with this generation to represent a real and intimate God up high and to connect bonds of love between heaven and earth. (ENGLISH)
Facebook: David y Valery
Instagram: @davidandvalery
Email: contactodavidyvalery@gmail.com
Hola somos David y Valery. Deseamos a través de este canal dar a conocer a Jesus de una manera interesante, diferente y única por medio de lo que ha hecho en nuestras vidas. Estamos comprometidos con esta generación a representar en alto a un Dios real, intimo y a conectar lazos de amor entre el cielo y la tierra.
Hi, we are David and Valery. We wish through this channel to make Jesus known in an interesting, different and unique way through what He has done in our lives. We are committed with this generation to represent a real and intimate God up high and to connect bonds of love between heaven and earth. (ENGLISH)
Facebook: David y Valery
Instagram: @davidandvalery
Email: contactodavidyvalery@gmail.com