Lifting, Life Advice, Freestyle Rap, Music, Etc.
Natural Strength Athlete
560lb Squat Belt Only in Competition (615lbs in the gym in sleeves)
402lb Bench Press in a Bench Only Meet (450lbs in the gym)
705lb Raw Deadlift in Competition (750lbs x 2 reps beltless and deadstop with straps and 700lbs x 4 reps beltless deadstop no straps both in the gym)
1620lb Raw Total in a belt and knee sleeves in Competition (gym lifts done after best meet lifts and total)
Other Lifts:
515lb Front Squat in Sleeves
385lb Incline Bench Press
675lb Snatch Grip Deadlift
315lb Seated Military Press
Calisthenics Feats of Strength
180lb Weighted Chinup
200lb Weighted Dip
8 reps Handstand Pushups
100lb Weighted Pistol Squat x 3 reps
20 Pullups
Grip Feats of Strength
Captain of Crush Gripper 2.5 x 18 reps
205lb Rolling Thunder
Competed in a Strongman Competitions
Competed in a Grip Sport Competition
Bachelor's Degree in Mathematics
1st Degree Black Belt in Taekwondo
Dabbled in little BJJ and wrestling