Simon Suh (서정호 Suh Jungho)
Canada #1 Forever!
Beautiful British Columbia.
2025 goal: Hire a programmer and publish a idle-text-based MMORPG game.
vlogging about my game marketing work! :)
I play Squad Busters everyday! :)
I study northern and western European languages on Duolingo everyday. (trying to get back to doing 1.5hrs of Duolingo daily!)
Currently studying - French, German, Dutch, Swedish, Finnish, Norwegian, Russian, Ukrainian, Danish, Polish, and Czech. Mostly French, but I do study the other languages after about 20 mins of French every day. Duolingo is amazing!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
working on improving my communication skills and learning how to build a community. I am a young Padawan! May the Force be with you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Feb 28th: Had to change my name into law enforcement related because i had some cyber bullies making life very difficult, but will be going back to just my name in two weeks when I can change it back. ty!