This Channel is how I want to show how gratefull I am for David Goggins and Mike Tysons EXISTENCE, and also it is an educational Channel about what happend when you start practicing what LegendS as David Goggins or Mike Tyson experienced. BECOMING UNCOMMON AMONGST THE UNCOMMON.
Personaly, I tried what they've did, trained with the same dedication and studies their Mindset to adopt a new one for myself. It worked! With dedication, a pure heart,discipline and hard work I achieved anything I thought impossible. So this Page is my way to thank them for saving lives and also mine
This Channel is how I want to show how gratefull I am for David Goggins and Mike Tysons EXISTENCE, and also it is an educational Channel about what happend when you start practicing what LegendS as David Goggins or Mike Tyson experienced. BECOMING UNCOMMON AMONGST THE UNCOMMON.
Personaly, I tried what they've did, trained with the same dedication and studies their Mindset to adopt a new one for myself. It worked! With dedication, a pure heart,discipline and hard work I achieved anything I thought impossible. So this Page is my way to thank them for saving lives and also mine