Mikumentary is an ongoing series of short, non-commercial documentary films about the Hatsune Miku phenomenon. Bringing together interviews with fans, scholars, artists, vocaloPs, and more, these films are both about the Miku community and my contribution to the community. I'm both a filmmaker and a fan, so shoot me an email if you're interested. Look here for the latest article about Mikumentary: tinyurl.com/murpy2f
Mikumentary is an ongoing series of short, non-commercial documentary films about the Hatsune Miku phenomenon. Bringing together interviews with fans, scholars, artists, vocaloPs, and more, these films are both about the Miku community and my contribution to the community. I'm both a filmmaker and a fan, so shoot me an email if you're interested. Look here for the latest article about Mikumentary: tinyurl.com/murpy2f