This is a Youtube Channel For Milad Naat, Naat Sharif.
Our Target is Uploading Milad Naat Sharif on Our Channel and Complete Naat Sharif with Urdu, Punjabi, Arabic, English, and Different Languages Translation. Best Collection of NAAT Different Voices Recitation Naat and Naat Sharif around the World.
We Upload every day New High-quality Naat and Naat Sharif video of the most famous NAAT reciters.and also videos.
What is The Naat?
Naat Word comes from the Urdu Language meaning is a poetry that specifically praises the Islamic Prophet, Muhammad (SAW). The practice is popular in South Asia Bangladesh, Pakistan, and India, and Arab counters commonly. People who recite Naat are known as Naat Khawan.