The world would be a nicer place if everyone had the ability to love as unconditionally as a dog. (MK Clinton) This channel focuses on sharing God's LOVE through His Word through and to all His creatures. God’s unconditional LOVE, for all His creation to experience, God being our ultimate Blesser, is manifested through our pet, its giver and in our daily journey with Him. With much bereavement due to the unexpected loss of the head of our family during pandemic our pet provided us solace and genuine LOVE. Likewise, we are one since then with all widows and orphans and pet lovers too as we continue on in this earthly sojourn.
May this channel inspire the world by God's WORD and His promises as we align our own will to HIS will. May we seek Him first before embarking on our day. May we feel God's LOVE, peace and joy through it all. And may our ultimate goal be imbedded in our hearts: to spend eternity in heaven with Him. Prayers and LOVE.
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