Real, raw & oftentimes amusing conversations with friends old & new. I ask all the questions, no matter how awkward, so you don't have to. You're welcome!
Resilience is at the core of who I am.
I am a surThrivor of childhood; sexual, mental & physical abuse. My son's father walked out, leaving me a single parent of a 10 year old with two mortgages.
My second husband of 15 years died, leaving me a widow. We were partners in life & business. Diagnosis to death was 8 weeks.
I met a boy when I was 14. We're married now.
I have no idea what the future holds for me.
After 59 years on this planet I know this - I get knocked down and I bounce back. I bounce back & bloom brighter than before.
Resilience can be nurtured, flexed & become a muscle that you use to thrive despite the things that come along and knock the wind out of you.
I am an oak during times of adversity but on the other side? I'm a willow, dancing in the breeze.
Real, raw & oftentimes amusing conversations with friends old & new. I ask all the questions, no matter how awkward, so you don't have to. You're welcome!
Resilience is at the core of who I am.
I am a surThrivor of childhood; sexual, mental & physical abuse. My son's father walked out, leaving me a single parent of a 10 year old with two mortgages.
My second husband of 15 years died, leaving me a widow. We were partners in life & business. Diagnosis to death was 8 weeks.
I met a boy when I was 14. We're married now.
I have no idea what the future holds for me.
After 59 years on this planet I know this - I get knocked down and I bounce back. I bounce back & bloom brighter than before.
Resilience can be nurtured, flexed & become a muscle that you use to thrive despite the things that come along and knock the wind out of you.
I am an oak during times of adversity but on the other side? I'm a willow, dancing in the breeze.