Midwest S.W.A.T. (Simulated Weapons Advanced Tactical Training) Academy in Mount Zion, IL * Plan * Prepare * Protect * Live Fire training to include basic, intermediate and advanced pistol, carbine and shotgun. Simulated range time can be reserved by calling. Conceal carry, Skill Builders series for beyond concealed carry, Civilian Active Shooter Awareness Seminars, Armed Civilian Active Shooter Training. Scenario-based law enforcement training, basic firearm education, progressive build-to-suit training, team-building programs, self-awareness / self-defense seminars & workshops, close-quarter hand-to-hand combative training. All skill levels welcome!
Midwest S.W.A.T. Academy also has a state-of-the-art range simulator, including SASS scenarios, steel targets, paper targets, a variety of virtual gun ranges, zombie & gopher shoots, youth training programs. Our simulator has literally hundreds of options to choose from. Call to reserve time on the simulated range today! 217-864-1045