Finding the Political Conversations we need to have.
On a more serious note, I am here to Find, Forge, Fortify and Inspire the new Right Wing Elite, for my generation and those that come after me.
I have the series:
LIPM - Lessons In Political Maturity
EoD - Elements of Deracination
WWMM - Which Way, Modem Man
RA - The Right Awakens Podcast
and more to come.
Currently focusing mostly just on new episodes of LIPM 1, The Left's Learning Problem.
The community page is active with daily posts for your entertainment until then. Monarchist, Christian, Luddite and more. Probably the only way I could be more Right wing is if I was a Veteran Knight Scholastic Exorcist, and until I posses the knowledge or necessity to move more Rightward, I'll just be as close to the far end as I can, and disappointed that I can't go further.
He who says Organization, says Hierarchy.
The Left is more guilty of what it accuses the Right than the Right is.
The only danger to an Elite is a Counter-Elite.