I know a man, born of a good jewish girl(virgin) named Miriam. He lived a perfect life, was crucified for all our sins, died, was buried, rose again on the third day. Ascended back up to Heaven and is returning for all who in previous times looked for His coming, encountered Him on earth, or watch for His return.
He is calling you
You need Him to live.
Receive Jesus in your heart by the faith He gives. You Will be Eternally Glad that you did.
As the Israelites went through the water, go under the waters of baptism, drowning out the old “Adam” and rising up to new life. Receive His Holy Spirit as per Acts chapter 2,4,9,11,….. and so on,as the first Christians did.
Tell other people and make disciples that also follow Him . It’s the “way” it began and how it will end!
There is a way that seems right to a man , but the end thereof is destruction. Use the Bible roadmap to deliver your soul from sin and eternal hell to redemption and life everlasting in Jesus. Repent, and LIVE.