DISCLAIMER: Most of my gaming videos cover mature-rated games (e.g. Mass Effect series). Furthermore, my commentary is not child-friendly. You have been warned.
I tend to focus on story and adventure-centric games, and I take my time whenever I play a video game and make "Let's Play" episodes. I like to nit-pick when it comes to gameplay and story, and am sometimes intrigued by things that many players might skip over. I swear a lot, goof around, and do whatever else strikes my fancy.
Real life gets in the way very often, and I do not upload on anyone's schedule but my own.
All copyright owners retain copyright to their respective works.
NOTE: Please check Twitter for updates. Sorry, but I do not take requests for games. My current LP project is the Mass Effect trilogy.
DISCLAIMER: Most of my gaming videos cover mature-rated games (e.g. Mass Effect series). Furthermore, my commentary is not child-friendly. You have been warned.
I tend to focus on story and adventure-centric games, and I take my time whenever I play a video game and make "Let's Play" episodes. I like to nit-pick when it comes to gameplay and story, and am sometimes intrigued by things that many players might skip over. I swear a lot, goof around, and do whatever else strikes my fancy.
Real life gets in the way very often, and I do not upload on anyone's schedule but my own.
All copyright owners retain copyright to their respective works.
NOTE: Please check Twitter for updates. Sorry, but I do not take requests for games. My current LP project is the Mass Effect trilogy.