Street Smarts Traffic is a platform I created to share traffic signal knowledge. Follow along with me in the trenches as I fix traffic malfunctions, program traffic devices & create traffic solutions.
Now in my 3rd decade in the traffic signal industry serving in 2 DOT's (County & State) and a 5 yr stint with a traffic signal distribution company helping customers in field service, this is what I realized:
There's a need---
-Traffic newbies need a foundation
-Older generation of traffic signal techs are retiring (taking knowledge with them).
-Many are overwhelmed with advancement in traffic technology
-Agency directors nominate their Public Works personnel (who are untrained) to maintain the city's most liability prone assets (you take care of everything else!)
-Since many maintainers do not know how to diagnose a signal problem properly, complaints go wayside.
Sound familiar?
Welcome to Street Smarts
(Helping Traffic Signal Maintainers maintain traffic signals)
Street Smarts Traffic is a platform I created to share traffic signal knowledge. Follow along with me in the trenches as I fix traffic malfunctions, program traffic devices & create traffic solutions.
Now in my 3rd decade in the traffic signal industry serving in 2 DOT's (County & State) and a 5 yr stint with a traffic signal distribution company helping customers in field service, this is what I realized:
There's a need---
-Traffic newbies need a foundation
-Older generation of traffic signal techs are retiring (taking knowledge with them).
-Many are overwhelmed with advancement in traffic technology
-Agency directors nominate their Public Works personnel (who are untrained) to maintain the city's most liability prone assets (you take care of everything else!)
-Since many maintainers do not know how to diagnose a signal problem properly, complaints go wayside.
Sound familiar?
Welcome to Street Smarts
(Helping Traffic Signal Maintainers maintain traffic signals)