Rebecca Mottram is a leading expert in Potty Learning. She works in the NHS as a paediatric research nurse and is on the Professional Advisory Committee for ERIC, the Bladder and Bowel Charity. She helps parents and carers understand the science of potty learning by creating resources for Baby Pottying (aka Elimination Communication or Natural Infant Hygiene) to reaching Toilet Independence (aka Potty Training). Rebecca is the author of The Baby Pottying Guide, the designer of the Go Potty™ and Sew Potty™ products for potty learning, the admin of the Potty Learning Support (from birth to independence) group, and host of the Go Potty podcast which provides parents with a clear, effective potty training plan and the tools to tailor it to each child's unique capabilities and temperament. Her gentle approach is rooted in the science of child development and allows parents to work in true partnership with their children. Both her children used the potty from birth.