Trying to spread the skills and knowledge that I've gained and are continuing to gain throughout my 5+ years of AWP/IGL competing in cs2/csgo league matches. Currently playing for Razed Esports and we are competing in the FACEIT NA Main Division. This channel will be a hub for utility and other content that can be directly used in pugs. Additionally, content will be taken directly from my team to show other teams how we structure different aspect of our practice and matches. Doing both of these to continue my love for the CS2 as well as my hopeful introduction of the game to others watching.
Trying to spread the skills and knowledge that I've gained and are continuing to gain throughout my 5+ years of AWP/IGL competing in cs2/csgo league matches. Currently playing for Razed Esports and we are competing in the FACEIT NA Main Division. This channel will be a hub for utility and other content that can be directly used in pugs. Additionally, content will be taken directly from my team to show other teams how we structure different aspect of our practice and matches. Doing both of these to continue my love for the CS2 as well as my hopeful introduction of the game to others watching.