Book: I read ALOT so I don't really have a favorite book right now... I'll think of one soon...
TV Show: Umm... Naruto?
Sport: Tae Kwon Do all the way
Movie: Lion King (yes i know it's for babies but I love it)
***I am currently suffering from PCTYD so... It just goes to show I'm pathetic moping over something that happened this summer***
Book: I read ALOT so I don't really have a favorite book right now... I'll think of one soon...
TV Show: Umm... Naruto?
Sport: Tae Kwon Do all the way
Movie: Lion King (yes i know it's for babies but I love it)
***I am currently suffering from PCTYD so... It just goes to show I'm pathetic moping over something that happened this summer***