The YouTube home of The Nicole Sandler Show and - a lively discussion of the day's news, with laughs and music mixed in. The Nicole Sandler Show is live weekdays, 5-6pm Eastern / 2-3pm Pacific. Links and archives are always available at -- The Nicole Sandler show is also heard on Air Progressive, FYI Nation, Netroots Radio, and the Progressive Voices App & Channel and other fine stations online around the world!
The YouTube home of The Nicole Sandler Show and - a lively discussion of the day's news, with laughs and music mixed in. The Nicole Sandler Show is live weekdays, 5-6pm Eastern / 2-3pm Pacific. Links and archives are always available at -- The Nicole Sandler show is also heard on Air Progressive, FYI Nation, Netroots Radio, and the Progressive Voices App & Channel and other fine stations online around the world!