Hello Friends, I was finally able to start shooting game videos, which I have been dreaming of for years but could not start. I opened the channel in 2012. If I had had the opportunity back then, believe me, there would be a Youtuber now. The editing and assembly of the videos I shoot takes a lot of time, I say without exaggeration, some videos take almost a full day, that's why. Please respect the effort my friends, no matter how amateur it is, since I love Middle Earth games, my first videos will be about these games, then of course I will upload many popular game videos, I plan to produce live content when conditions allow, I do not have a good computer system. It may take some time for me to prepare content for . In the meantime, I will mainly produce content about computer games. Please do not take too many likes and subscriptions. Best regards, love and enjoyable viewing.
Let this be our hashtag ✒We must protecth the Middle-Earth ✒