Hi ,
Welcome to my Channel .
I am a Mariner by Job & a Frequent Traveller. And I do capture videos randomly whenever got chance.
All The Uploads, Replies , Editings in this channel are managed by me and my 02 friends.
Any of our contents are not for the direct or indirect purpose of harassing, humiliating, intimidating, exposing, or threatening an individual or group or any company on our planet Earth.
2012 was the year when i had posted my first video on this youtube channel, and since then i do keep posting interesting stuffs while at sea , at land or while in air ( whenever I got chance in between my job )
So please ignore if you face hissing sound , blurred image or poor video quality on any of my old videos .
Our another Youtube Channel - move on
Please press LIKE / Share / Subscribe. ( if you wish to )
Always be thankful to god for another lovely day
Many Thanks
Ashish Saurabh
Hi ,
Welcome to my Channel .
I am a Mariner by Job & a Frequent Traveller. And I do capture videos randomly whenever got chance.
All The Uploads, Replies , Editings in this channel are managed by me and my 02 friends.
Any of our contents are not for the direct or indirect purpose of harassing, humiliating, intimidating, exposing, or threatening an individual or group or any company on our planet Earth.
2012 was the year when i had posted my first video on this youtube channel, and since then i do keep posting interesting stuffs while at sea , at land or while in air ( whenever I got chance in between my job )
So please ignore if you face hissing sound , blurred image or poor video quality on any of my old videos .
Our another Youtube Channel - move on
Please press LIKE / Share / Subscribe. ( if you wish to )
Always be thankful to god for another lovely day
Many Thanks
Ashish Saurabh