Asalamualaikum Wr.wb I hope the content I create can be entertaining and useful for my colleagues. Please take the positive side and discard the negative side. I emphasize again that the content we create is for entertainment and entertainment purposes. I hope you can be entertained. #abahpendi #livingdeadreturn #pesugihan #search #mystery #withdrawal of heirlooms #pity #treatment #witchcraft #education #entertainment #recitation Also help like comment share & subscribe to be more enthusiastic about creating, thank you... ππ ~Abah Pendi's Official Information~ Contact WhatsApp Abah Pendi: 085212611367 Medical & Non-Medical Alternative Medicine β’Facebookβ’ β’Tiktokβ’ βThe title of the video above is short, just for sweetening purposes. This video was made for education and entertainment purposes onlyππ