Hi all welcome to my channel.
I like Bounce Music ranging from Scouse House to Wigan Pier, Pleasure Rooms, Maximes as well as Hardcore and Helterskelter.
I know other people like this kind of music so I have decided to upload the music I have purchased over the years.
I have plenty to upload and will be uploading it all eventually, so enjoy the music.
Check out the other channels on YouTube that also enjoy this type of Music.
Hi all welcome to my channel.
I like Bounce Music ranging from Scouse House to Wigan Pier, Pleasure Rooms, Maximes as well as Hardcore and Helterskelter.
I know other people like this kind of music so I have decided to upload the music I have purchased over the years.
I have plenty to upload and will be uploading it all eventually, so enjoy the music.
Check out the other channels on YouTube that also enjoy this type of Music.