Hi , thanks for visiting my channel on YouTube. Here you will find videos of musicians and shows, mostly Cabaret in and around NYC. You can also find videos related to HIV prevention, care and treatment Advocacy and Activism, now unfortunately branching into COVID19 and the infamous MPV. I am particularly interested in Social Justice and try to contribute so we can live under the umbrella of the UN's UDHR. I'm interested in mental health, housing (for PLHIV and at risk for HiV), in writing, philosophy, drama, global warming, music, movies, photography, video, sex & sexuality, to mention a few.
Hi , thanks for visiting my channel on YouTube. Here you will find videos of musicians and shows, mostly Cabaret in and around NYC. You can also find videos related to HIV prevention, care and treatment Advocacy and Activism, now unfortunately branching into COVID19 and the infamous MPV. I am particularly interested in Social Justice and try to contribute so we can live under the umbrella of the UN's UDHR. I'm interested in mental health, housing (for PLHIV and at risk for HiV), in writing, philosophy, drama, global warming, music, movies, photography, video, sex & sexuality, to mention a few.