Hai im Ivy Carruthers :]
Msn: Ivynomnom@hotmail.com
My story:
When i was looking for one of boas songs i came across a "mmv" of i did it for love. I fell in love with the characters immediately and told my sister about it. It turns out the two of her friends in middle school played this so called game "maple story". they were maplemovieproducer :D I asked them what maplestory was, they explained, i joined, asked them what programs to use, and started making my video. I didnt ask them for help because i didnt wanna bother them
but im so happy i was able to make this on my own!!
All my stuff got deleted for both of my mmvs so D:... im just going to start fresh i dont think i should bother trying to remake all of it
I am so so so sorry i cant keep up with channel comments x.x
if you have a question just message me c:
Please Don't say im 8 in my video. Because I have to be 13 to enter.
Thank you's:
Hai im Ivy Carruthers :]
Msn: Ivynomnom@hotmail.com
My story:
When i was looking for one of boas songs i came across a "mmv" of i did it for love. I fell in love with the characters immediately and told my sister about it. It turns out the two of her friends in middle school played this so called game "maple story". they were maplemovieproducer :D I asked them what maplestory was, they explained, i joined, asked them what programs to use, and started making my video. I didnt ask them for help because i didnt wanna bother them
but im so happy i was able to make this on my own!!
All my stuff got deleted for both of my mmvs so D:... im just going to start fresh i dont think i should bother trying to remake all of it
I am so so so sorry i cant keep up with channel comments x.x
if you have a question just message me c:
Please Don't say im 8 in my video. Because I have to be 13 to enter.
Thank you's: