KURNIA BANSOS is a YouTube channel that discusses everything about social assistance or government BANSOS, mainly from the Indonesian Ministry of Social Affairs such as PKH, BPNT, BST, KIP, BLT, PIP, KIS, BANPRES UMKM, BSU, CARD PRACTICE, ELECTRICITY SUBSIDY, HOUSE REVIEWS, SUBSIDIZED GAS, SUBSIDIZED FERTILIZER and many other aids, either regular or additional.
For those who are just getting to know and subscribing to the KURNIA BANSOS channel, I welcome you and thank you very much, I hope that all of my brothers and sisters in the country will have good luck, Aamiin.
Please help develop the KURNIA BANSOS Channel by LIKE, SHARE, COMMENT and SUBSCRIBE. Thank you very much and I hope the KURNIA BANSOS Channel can be useful, Aamiin.