This studio was created on behalf of the mep "One Day Mep || Supahhh Basss". Hence the name "Suppahh Bassetts". We are just a bunch of crazy & silly editors that did this on a random impulse 8D. We edit what we want. Just ferrrr fun ;D
We will never be holding auditions because this would contradict why we made the studio, but feel free to subscribe & watch~!
Suppahh Bassetts Birthdays~
KirbyCakez - [Alana] - February 8th
lightystone - [Hannah] - February 16th
xKanraOrihara - [Roxy] - April 8th
00sussie00 - [Daisy] - April 29th
TheShikaidou - [Danny] - May 27th
XenoCrystal72 - [Becky] - May 27th
llCatchMe - [Adrii] - July 1st
AnataStudios [Kaitlin] - July 20th
xItsSoQuietHerex - [Becca] - 29th August
Randommirokulover - [Steph] - October 12th
LovableMichelle - [Chelley] - October 31st
ChocolateWhispersx [Lauren] - 29th November
Serunii - [Saveh] - December 15th
LilacSongx217x - [Laurel] - December 26th