Ahhhh. i really have no idea what te hell to put here, so i'll ramble for a bit....my names Vicky, and i live in good old Britain...and im an anime/manga obcessive freak and er....erm..oh yeah!! as of october i will be doing cosplays and shit like that XD so keep an eye out lmao....well thats about all i can be bothered to think of sooooo...yeah!!
My Deviantart
My fanfiction account
Ahhhh. i really have no idea what te hell to put here, so i'll ramble for a bit....my names Vicky, and i live in good old Britain...and im an anime/manga obcessive freak and er....erm..oh yeah!! as of october i will be doing cosplays and shit like that XD so keep an eye out lmao....well thats about all i can be bothered to think of sooooo...yeah!!
My Deviantart
My fanfiction account