Hi there, and welcome to my channel!
I'm here to bring you some fun content revolving around the Yu-Gi-Oh! Trading Card Game. My main interest is to provide fun data-related videos, like analytical breakdowns of meta/rogue decks and the most common cards used in competitive play. I also aim to provide deck profiles of various competitive strategies featuring other players, as well as provide combo guides and tips on decks that I am piloting.
As a competitive player, my greatest achievement is topping the North American Remote Duel YCS in 2021 with Cyber Dragons (Top 32 overall and 13th after swiss among 1,900 players)! I hope to continue to get better as a player by both participating in competitive events and making content on this game.
As always, thanks for dropping by, and hope you have a wonderful day!
P.s. You can reach me at HakunaMyData.ygo@gmail.com :)
- James