I'm Evelyn, a writer and author of "Remember to Breathe: Growing Through the Stages of Grief." It is a book about my journey through grief following the death of our 22-year-old son Joseph, who was killed on June 5, 2015 by a driver who sped through a red light. You can learn more about him, and The Fund by visiting www.jmffund.org. I am married to Jeff Fannell, who is the pastor of our church, On Good Ground Christian Fellowship (www.ongoodground.org). You will find the majority of our teachings (sermons, Bible Study) here. I am using this channel to share the good news of the gospel by posting our ministry work and whatever the Lord leads to encourage and to build up the people of God. From time to time I will also share from my own personal experiences, things that speak to my Spirit, including those things that make me laugh; and what we are doing through my son's Foundation (JMF Playlist). I hope that through this channel, someone, somewhere, would be encouraged.
I'm Evelyn, a writer and author of "Remember to Breathe: Growing Through the Stages of Grief." It is a book about my journey through grief following the death of our 22-year-old son Joseph, who was killed on June 5, 2015 by a driver who sped through a red light. You can learn more about him, and The Fund by visiting www.jmffund.org. I am married to Jeff Fannell, who is the pastor of our church, On Good Ground Christian Fellowship (www.ongoodground.org). You will find the majority of our teachings (sermons, Bible Study) here. I am using this channel to share the good news of the gospel by posting our ministry work and whatever the Lord leads to encourage and to build up the people of God. From time to time I will also share from my own personal experiences, things that speak to my Spirit, including those things that make me laugh; and what we are doing through my son's Foundation (JMF Playlist). I hope that through this channel, someone, somewhere, would be encouraged.