Our mission is to re-imagine psychology for the 21st century through connection, exploration, and innovation.
Join our Stillpoint Community for the psychologically curious: community.joinstillpoint.com/
Instagram: www.instagram.com/stillpointhq/
Facebook: www.facebook.com/StillpointHQ
Twitter: twitter.com/StillpointHQ
LinkedIn: www.linkedin.com/company/stillpointhq
Stillpoint was founded by a small community of psychotherapists who wanted to share the power of therapy beyond the confines of the consulting room. We understood that the obstacles to accessing therapy are substantial. Though we highly value the traditional approach, we continue to believe it's high time for ethical innovation in the field.
Today, we are a renewed "Stillpoint" that continues its experiment of connecting and exploring psychology in innovative ways. Watch this space as we learn and grow as an organisation alongside our membership.