Hi, my dear friends!
This is Kelly here to pass you best wishes. Thank you so much for your support and comments, it's because of all you that give me courage to keep this channel going. I'm so sorry for no making and uploading new quilling works because of my work. Now I will try my best to create new works for all of you. Hope everyone enjoy my videos!!
I am very grateful to have all you here!
Thank you!
--Oct, 27,2017
Art & craft Channel focusing on paper quilling and filigree with free explanations and steps in the hopes of spreading the beauty and artistic value of paper craft to the world. Please visit my face book page for past works: www.facebook.com/kellysquilling/
The popularity of paper quilling has fluctuated through the years.
Work of high quality was achieved by French and Italian nuns in the 16th and 17th centuries; genteel ladies in the Stuart period; ladies of leisure in the Georgian and Regency periods - and it is currently enjoying a modern revival today.