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The Void Compass

1.7K subscribers - no pronouns :c

I am a guide; a compass in the void leading you inwards towa

Welcoem to posts!!

in the future - u will be able to do some more stuff here,,,!! like pat catgirl- i mean um yeah... for now u can only see others's posts :c

The Void Compass
Posted 4 weeks ago

This journey demands everything. When you deeply commit and stop seeking an escape, you may find it to be your truth to embrace celibacy, despite physical desires or the ache of loneliness. Your purpose, living from the heart, and devotion to the divine become your guiding tenets. To cross the chasm between conditional and unconditional love, sacrifices must be made - choosing this path even when it asks you to go without. This poem I have written captures the at times excruciatingly painful struggle of reaching for divinity while relinquishing what the physical self craves. ❤️

86 - 8

The Void Compass
Posted 4 weeks ago

The path towards your eventual liberation; a state of pure unconditional love and inner union, will require you to love every forgotten part of you that you have left behind. There is no other way; there is no passage granted otherwise. This is a poem I wrote years ago, may it resonate. ❤️

65 - 10

The Void Compass
Posted 1 month ago

"The deep intimacy you seek is here, right now - there's nowhere else for it to be" - is a statement I’ve said in a past video. This has led to a few questions from viewers who were able to understand it conceptually and yet unable to adopt it internally. I'm going to try to explore this statement further, because as always, I want you to FEEL it, not just know it. Please read the following slowly and intentionally; do not rush through it because you will miss its intended purpose as the mind will hastily label every word it reads without connecting to the intent behind them. I advertise no quick fix here, instead a deep and careful dive beyond the mind:

To your soul; your eternal, undying, physical-reality transcending soul, there is only the present moment. Time does not exist to the soul and it does not play subject to it. Time is merely a symptom of thought and thought, as we know, is the realm of the mind. Whenever you are attempting to think into this statement "the deep intimacy you seek is here, right now", your mind will see the word "intimacy" as an empty label; a simple signpost pointing in the direction of where a feeling should be, but not the experience of the feeling itself. On realizing this, the mind will then look back at you, betrayed, and say "I don't get it - there's nothing here - where is my person?". This is what leads to immense frustration, as the mind struggles to understand a state of being that can ONLY be perceived within the present moment, when the mind, by sheer virtue of its design and purpose, is only able to exist within the realms of thought and time.

So you see, you can only ever truly feel this deep and neutral intimacy with yourself; the same deep and neutral intimacy you would feel with your counterpart, when you are predominantly in soul, in a state of presence i.e., not in mind and not trapped in “time”. This is why I promote moving deep into the body, allowing the body to become a safe place for consciousness to reside. Your awareness, which can be directed by your will, can then relocate from the head area where the mind thrives with its compulsive action of incessant thinking, into the depths of the body where one's breath and individual toroidal energy field can be felt. The more you place your attention deep in the ocean’s depths of the body beneath the thrashing waves of the mind at the surface, the more that awareness is able to expand; the feeling of peace as a result increases. You begin to feel love; a stable and ever-present love, one not based on any conditions. This is why you then are able to sit alone with yourself and suddenly feel content without any external circumstances having changed. You then come to realize that this deep and ever-present love is your true nature, and you are truly never and can never be separate from it. This is what I mean when I often say “this state of peace is your birthright”. Eventually you find yourself wanting for nothing more than to remain in this complete present moment. It is so deeply intimate, because you are feeling your own soul and there is nothing more intimate than that.

This is why the "twin flame" is so revered and pedestalized by the mind. In your physical time together, for as long as it lasted, your mind felt glimpses of this same soul frequency, mere impressions of this intense and sudden completeness, this intangible "something" that it simply cannot understand and encapsulate within itself, so it does the only thing it can: being the master of separation consciousness, it places the cause of this wonderful complete feeling on an external counterpart that it has designated "separate from itself", it then attempts with all it's might to reacquire this counterpart. This is the basis of fear-based addictive energy and why it acts as a cruel and fruitless self-defeating endeavor. For there is no way to fix mind’s ever unsatiated approach to the acquisition of love and its incomplete understanding of it, for the mind can only ever know what love is not - this is why it seeks it; for if it could know love, it would never seek again. This is why this journey exists; it forces you inward by design - there is no other option, for the only release from the suffering and starving of the mind is returning home to soul, where a feast of untold magnitude is being held in your honor. This is the energetic journey you and I are here to transmute through the ineffable frequency of love: first for ourselves - and then for everybody else. ❤️

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