AGPAL is a Not For Profit, Dynamic, Proactive And Ethical Organization of Muslim Professionals of all shades and background United in the Belief that There Is No Deity Worthy Of Worship But Allah Alone, And That Muhammad (P.B.U.H) Is The Messenger Of Allah. لا إله إلا الله محمد رسول الله
AGPAL is the coming together of the Tijaniyyah Muslims within Nigeria and outside its shores with the Aim of Creating a New World Order where there is Universal Peace and Prosperity for every member of the Human Race in line with the Guidance- Prescriptions of the Glorious Book of Allah, Al-Qur'an al Majeed, and the teachings and tenets of the Messenger of Allah, our Noble Prophet Muhammad RasooluLlah, S.A.W.
To achieve this we propagate the values of mutual respect, collaboration, mutual assistance in harnessing our individual and group human potentials to seek and achieve Global Peace and Prosperity in all fields of endeavours both Ephemeral and Eternal for every member coming into our fold.