Hello everyone, KingDDDuke here. Welcome to my channel. Here I make edited This is How You DON'T Plays based on the infamous interactive live streamer and lolcow, DSPGaming on a mostly weekly basis.
Feel free to do Let's Tolerates or Let's Endures on my videos. You are free to reupload, download, further edit, etc. on my content. But please source me if you do, link to my channel and og video in the description.
KingDDDuke does not endorse any bullying or harassment, both verbal & physical, towards DSP, his friends, family, fans, & loved ones, from the past, present & future. These videos are intended as comedic highlights from the streamer DSPGaming which includes critiques at his gameplay, personal character & commentary.
Upcoming TiHYDPs
Far Cry 6
Toy Story 2 & 3
Transformers Fall of Cybertron & Dark of the Moon
Hard Corps Uprising
Hello everyone, KingDDDuke here. Welcome to my channel. Here I make edited This is How You DON'T Plays based on the infamous interactive live streamer and lolcow, DSPGaming on a mostly weekly basis.
Feel free to do Let's Tolerates or Let's Endures on my videos. You are free to reupload, download, further edit, etc. on my content. But please source me if you do, link to my channel and og video in the description.
KingDDDuke does not endorse any bullying or harassment, both verbal & physical, towards DSP, his friends, family, fans, & loved ones, from the past, present & future. These videos are intended as comedic highlights from the streamer DSPGaming which includes critiques at his gameplay, personal character & commentary.
Upcoming TiHYDPs
Far Cry 6
Toy Story 2 & 3
Transformers Fall of Cybertron & Dark of the Moon
Hard Corps Uprising