Empresa de Continguts de Video, Fotografia i Streaming/Directes TV amb Drons. Projectes Lightpainting.
AVĂS: El contingut d'aquest canal de YouTube no es pot baixar, publicar, editar ni utilitzar sense el meu permĂs, ja que estĂ protegit per drets d'autor.
Drone Video, Photography & Live Streaming/TV Company. Lightpainting projects
ADVISE: The content on this YouTube channel can't be downloaded, published, edited or used without my permission since it's protected by copyright.
Empresa de Continguts de Video, Fotografia i Streaming/Directes TV amb Drons. Projectes Lightpainting.
AVĂS: El contingut d'aquest canal de YouTube no es pot baixar, publicar, editar ni utilitzar sense el meu permĂs, ja que estĂ protegit per drets d'autor.
Drone Video, Photography & Live Streaming/TV Company. Lightpainting projects
ADVISE: The content on this YouTube channel can't be downloaded, published, edited or used without my permission since it's protected by copyright.