Hello! 😊 I'm Marie Grace, Certified Public Accountant (CPA) by profession and a small business owner. Welcome to my Youtube Channel. Come and join me in my life journeys. Sharing some tips on travels, life, money, starting a youtube channel and a lot more. Hope you learn something with me. I wish I can make you smile. =) I also hope to spread positive outlook in life. =)
Pls Watch, Like & SUBSCRIBE. Help me grow my channel, pls leave a comment. I will definitely read and try to reply to your messages.=)
I initially started a PIANO Vlog, but I CAN'T play a lot of songs yet😅 Even if I WANT to
Today, this is a LIFESTYLE Channel / Vlogs of my Daily Life. Hope you enjoy ! Nice to meet you here, pls leave a comment!
Thank you ❤️