AbelTV : Es un canal de YouTube creado para mostrar ciertas tĂ©cnicas de fĂștbol, desde lo mĂĄs bĂĄsico hasta lo mĂĄs avanzado.
AsĂ mismo servirĂĄ para grandes y chicos porque podrĂĄn encontrar tutoriales para convertirse en un jugador de Ă©lite
AdemĂĄs encontrarĂĄs retos, un poco de freestyle fĂștbol, jugadas; todo dedicado al fĂștbol.
AbelTV: It is a YouTube channel created to show certain soccer techniques, from the most basic to the most advanced.
It will also serve for adults and children because they can find tutorials to become an elite player.
In addition you will find some challenges, a little freestyle soccer, plays; all dedicated to football.