I am on a mission to bring more awareness to people understand that improper mulching will kill trees slowly. #root girdling & #root flares, I wished that I knew about it when I started planting my trees years ago. It took me 12yrs to understand mulching mistakes.Mulching is good. However, improperly done will kill trees years later. Leave some space around the trunk when mulching,other wise the mulch will either rot the trunk or the trunk sends out lateral roots which will later girdle the root flares and collar, watch more videos that I had excavate on older trees which I did bad mulching practice against the root flares & trunk. Over time the lateral roots get larger and choke the trunk from sending nutrients & water up to the tree, and the leaves producing sugar can't send it back to the roots underground which it's main purpose is to anger & stabilize the tree & food storage during drought. And that is one of the reason why large trees get topple during a big storm as well.