I've been at this a while. Let's see, I first discovered I had this uncanny ability to act and sound like the biggest movie star on this planet back in college, good ol' Boston University. Jerry Maguire had just come out, and my best friend told me I had Tom's natural speaking voice. He encouraged me to memorize some lines so that we could gain access to freshman girl's dorm rooms. He did a genuinely solid Jean Claude Van Damme impression. Our routine was to knock on the door and introduce ourselves as Tom Cruise and JVCD respectively. Our scheme worked 75% of the time. Not too shabby. I started semi-professionally impersonating Tom Cruise years later on in 2005, when my girlfriend pushed me to post a video of myself doing a montage of T.C's finest performances on a newly launched platform for posting and sharing videos called YouTube. And the rest is history.