Hi, I'm Vihanga Sasanka, I'm a Music producer, guitarist,keyboardist And in addition to music, I am studying Commerce and Information Technology.
I'll bring you the latest songs, cover songs, music videos, and my new creations for you to enjoy on this channel.
This channel is not for commercial purposes only but for the enjoyment of you and me.
I offer my heartfelt condolences to the original singers, lyricists and composers of the songs I present here, and to express my gratitude to all the people in these works that I present.
If anyone enjoys the presentations I make, it is a great pleasure for me.
My future intention is to spread the taste of good songs among the younger generation.
God bless you..
Contact info:
Email - visasanka7120@gmail.com
Mobile- 0719539874/0770305298(whatsapp)
Facebook - Vihanga Sasanka