The National Film and Television School (NFTS) is one of the world's leading film, television and games schools.
The NFTS runs more than 40 MA, Diploma and Certificate courses - as well as numerous short courses. We have more behind the camera courses than any other film school, including core craft areas such as directing and cinematography as well as specialist areas such as script supervision and production accounting.
First established in 1971 and having celebrated its 50th anniversary in 2021, the NFTS has evolved to become a leading global institution, developing some of Britain and the world’s top creative talent.
Whilst we are only able to publicly share trailers of our latest productions - do visit our website homepage for our 'Short Of The Month' - where you can watch a fresh production each month from our archive, in full!
The National Film and Television School (NFTS) is one of the world's leading film, television and games schools.
The NFTS runs more than 40 MA, Diploma and Certificate courses - as well as numerous short courses. We have more behind the camera courses than any other film school, including core craft areas such as directing and cinematography as well as specialist areas such as script supervision and production accounting.
First established in 1971 and having celebrated its 50th anniversary in 2021, the NFTS has evolved to become a leading global institution, developing some of Britain and the world’s top creative talent.
Whilst we are only able to publicly share trailers of our latest productions - do visit our website homepage for our 'Short Of The Month' - where you can watch a fresh production each month from our archive, in full!