We at the Vinland Post strive to bring you the most groundbreaking material in political theory and strategy. An ongoing tradition of truth telling and mocking the weak since our ancestors carved into the stone tablets to send back to the Motherland. Hail Victory! Get butt-hurt? Then the VP is the place for you, dear viewer, and we'll help you grow some layers to that paper thin skin of yours. Think the world is filled with racist, sexist, bigot, homophobic, xenophobic, anti-semetic, transphobic, hate mongers? Then hang your cloak upon a peg and grab a stool by the fire, you are among friends. We will drink to the dead.
We at the Vinland Post strive to bring you the most groundbreaking material in political theory and strategy. An ongoing tradition of truth telling and mocking the weak since our ancestors carved into the stone tablets to send back to the Motherland. Hail Victory! Get butt-hurt? Then the VP is the place for you, dear viewer, and we'll help you grow some layers to that paper thin skin of yours. Think the world is filled with racist, sexist, bigot, homophobic, xenophobic, anti-semetic, transphobic, hate mongers? Then hang your cloak upon a peg and grab a stool by the fire, you are among friends. We will drink to the dead.