I am a trained cosmetologist with over 17 years of experience within the field of beauty services which includes hair, skin and nails. I love seeing people wear their own hair whether natural or relaxed and when it is looking healthy and bouncy that’s even better. I made this channel to help you get and keep your hair healthy while at home.
Welcome to my channel, here on kurlymeka channel I do hair tutorials, hair education and products review. Your hair journey can be a complex one, however with knowledge of how to care for your hair at home you can achieve that goal. Maybe you want to have longer hair or just to have healthier hair. All my hair videos will provide you with hair tips, hair treatments, hair advice, hair do’s and don’ts. If that is something you are interested in then please consider subscribing to my channel and join the healthy hair fam whether you are natural or relaxed you are all welcome.