1 - The "Privacy Of The Vote" is the root of all governmental Evil !!
"Privacy Of The Vote" makes "ELECTION FRAUD" possible.
I don't know who you voted for. You don't know who I voted for.
We don't know who Tom, Dick, and Harry, voted for. Ect.
Then the powers that be come up on TV and tell us who we supposedly "voted for".
Basically they decide who we voted for!!
Instead, anybody's personal vote should be publicly, clearly visible to "ALL", regarding who each person voted for.
This way each vote will be counted correctly with no possibility of that vote being stolen.
2 - Vaccines are the number one health threat we face today. Vaccination is the same as playing Russian roulette with your heath and your life.
The damage may be instantaneous or
1 - Vaksinat jane si kafshime gjarpri helmues per shkak te lendeve toksike qe vaksinat permbajne.
Asnjehere mos u vaksinoni me asnje lloj vaksine!!