Darkwing Duck - the animated series created by Walt Disney and nominated for an Emmy award. It was broadcast in 1991-1995 in the United States block The Disney Afternoon and on Sunday mornings on channel "ABC". The main character of the series is the mysterious superhero-Drake nicknamed Black Cloak (his real name - His Crack). The success of the animated series "Duck tales" has led to the creation of the series in the same universe - "Black Cloak", a show which ended after one year of broadcast. The creation of a "Black Cloak" was caused by two episodes of "Duck stories" shown earlier "Agent-duck two zero" and "Drake in the mask". From "Duck stories in the animated series "Black Cloak" moved the audience favorite pseudo-pilot Zigzag Muckrack previously worked for the Scrooge of MacDonald's, and appearing in some episodes Fenton Crackshell known as superhero of Adorabat in "Duck stories" and Supertrak in "Black Cloak".
Darkwing Duck - the animated series created by Walt Disney and nominated for an Emmy award. It was broadcast in 1991-1995 in the United States block The Disney Afternoon and on Sunday mornings on channel "ABC". The main character of the series is the mysterious superhero-Drake nicknamed Black Cloak (his real name - His Crack). The success of the animated series "Duck tales" has led to the creation of the series in the same universe - "Black Cloak", a show which ended after one year of broadcast. The creation of a "Black Cloak" was caused by two episodes of "Duck stories" shown earlier "Agent-duck two zero" and "Drake in the mask". From "Duck stories in the animated series "Black Cloak" moved the audience favorite pseudo-pilot Zigzag Muckrack previously worked for the Scrooge of MacDonald's, and appearing in some episodes Fenton Crackshell known as superhero of Adorabat in "Duck stories" and Supertrak in "Black Cloak".