POPSTARS was an international reality television franchise aimed to find new singing talent. Serving as a precursor to the Idol franchise, POPSTARS first began in New Zealand in 1999 when producer Jonathan Dowling formed the girl group True Bliss.
The TV franchise was later sold to Screentime Australia which produced 4 seasons and launched various acts onto the Australian music scene, including Bardot and Scandal'Us, with great debut success before the TV franchise became a huge global success around the world. Relive the journey on the creation and discovery of these Australian acts in the series entirety here on this channel!
POPSTARS was an international reality television franchise aimed to find new singing talent. Serving as a precursor to the Idol franchise, POPSTARS first began in New Zealand in 1999 when producer Jonathan Dowling formed the girl group True Bliss.
The TV franchise was later sold to Screentime Australia which produced 4 seasons and launched various acts onto the Australian music scene, including Bardot and Scandal'Us, with great debut success before the TV franchise became a huge global success around the world. Relive the journey on the creation and discovery of these Australian acts in the series entirety here on this channel!