I'm an Electronic Engineer by training and have worked in the tech sector for nearly 30 years alongside Microsoft, Intel, AMD, Samsung, Dell, HP and more. However, this channel is about sharing my passions for the outdoors, including going off road/riding dirt bikes, camping in our teardrop trailer and other outdoor activities. You will also find honest product reviews (some tech and some just stuff I bought) and "How To" videos as I do most of my own repairs and upgrades on my toys and around the house. I do not get paid by or sponsored by companies, so I try to be objective on all my reviews sharing the good/bad so you can get the real scoop before you spend your hard earned money.
Got questions/comments/tips, post 'em, I try to respond to all comments and questions as best I can.
Hopefully you enjoy these videos and they help you along the way.
Thanks for watching and please subscribe!