Bobby Blue's Book of Riffs is a series to show you how to riff old school style and to spice to your musical life. This approach works for any style of music! BBBR is your practice buddy so get out your instrument and play along. These videos are lessons so repeat each riff and understand the rules... so you can break them! I recommend that you pause and write out the rules when instructions are given, plus make sure you have a transposition cheat sheet handy to get your instrument transposition skills up to scratch.
There is a lot of information to be unpacked from the videos. We will start out nice and easy, but we move on.
Here are a few tips to get you interacting better with the video series:
TIP #1: write out the riffs in numbers
TIP #2: transfer the rules and rhythms from the riffs to other keys
TIP #3: find backing tracks in other keys to apply what you've learnt
TIP #4: play the 2nd riffs at the beginning over the 1st riffs
TIP #5: Most importantly practice and have fun!!